Institute of Applied Electronics

Director of the Institute of Applied Electronics: Prof. Xia, Mingyao


The Institute of Applied Electronics was established in 2008, covering two sub-disciplines: "Electromagnetic Field and Microwave Technology” and “Circuits and Systems”, both of which were first established at the beginning of the Department of Electronics. The Institute has 11 faculty members, including 4 professors, of which 2 are Distinguished Professors of the Chang Jiang Scholars Program/Distinguished Young Scholars of the National Science Fund, 2 researchers/associate professors (new system), 3 associate professors and 2 senior engineers.

The sub-discipline of "Electromagnetic Field and Microwave Technology" focuses research on microwave/terahertz electronics, computational electromagnetics, electromagnetic imaging, and communications and navigation and positioning. As early as the 1960s and 1970s, it successfully developed the first return tube in China, which made an important contribution to the independent research and development of high-power microwave sources in China. At the early stage of reform and opening up, the Institute carried out the research of new high-power millimeter-wave cyclotron, and made systematic achievements in the mechanism and structure of electron beam-wave interaction, andwaveguide type open resonant cavity theory. Awarded 2 Second Prize of Science and Technology Progress by National Education Commission. In recent years, facing the great needs of national science and technology and the international academic frontier, the Institute has undertaken a number of national and ministerial research projects such as the National Science and Technology Major Project, National Key Research and Development Program, National 863 Program and Key Projects of National Natural Science Foundation of China. In the past 10 years, the Institute has carried out a series of works in microwave/terahertz electronics, terahertz wave manipulation based on electromagnetic metamaterials/surfaces, advanced electromagnetic imaging, quasi-static electromagnetic detection of marine targets, and ultra-high dynamic multi-system navigation receivers. Published more than 120 high-level SCI papers in Nature Communications, Advanced Optical Materials, ACS Photonics, Physical Review, OSA and IEEE journals, published 3 research monographs in English and Chinese, granted more than 20 national invention patents, awarded the Second Prize of National Science and Technology Progress, and the First Prize of Science and Technology Progress of Higher Education Institutions by the Ministry of Education. A number of research achievements have been applied to society, and a variety of equipment has passed the model identification.

Another sub-discipline, "Circuits and Systems", is mainly focuses research on circuit system analysis and design, nonlinear circuits and system theory. Since the 1970s, the hydrology telemetry system developed has been commercialized, occupying 40% of the national market share and making an important contribution to China's flood defense. In the past 10 years, it has undertaken dozens of national and ministerial scientific research projects such as the National Science and Technology Major Project, National Key Research and Development Program, and the Key Project of National Natural Science Foundation of China. In cooperation with corporates, a series of researches have been conducted onradio frequency electronics technology combined with atomic physics and neural mimetic circuits combined with emerging interdisciplinary fields. Practical chip-scale atomic clocks (comparable to the latest chip-scale atomic clock technology in the United States) were achieved. A two-photon frequency scale for the direct excitation of rubidium atoms by optical combs, which is the basis of time-keeping optical clocks, has also been initially ascertained. More than 50 academic papers have been published in major SCI journals including Nature Methods, Physical Review, Optics Letters and Optics Express. Also awarded a number of national invention patents.

Main Research Areas

- Microwave, millimeter wave and terahertz electronics

Targeted for high-resolution radar, satellite communications, biomedical, materials science, and industrial applications. Investigate the theory and key technologies of electron injection and electromagnetic wave interaction in new high frequency structures to generate microwave, millimeter wave and terahertz wave, and develop a new generation of power devices. Study of the interaction of millimeter and terahertz waves with matter, as well as work on systems for the application of millimeter and terahertz waves.

- Terahertz wave manipulation and super-resolution imaging

Developing subsonic domain terahertz wave manipulation techniques based on electromagnetic metamaterials/supersurfaces, including research related to terahertz artificial supersurfaces, terahertz artificial surface plasmonic excitations, and terahertz super-resolution imaging. To explore the application of terahertz super-resolution imaging technology in biomedical and other fields.

- Computational electromagnetism and its applications

Using advanced numerical algorithms to study electromagnetic scattering from complex targets, electromagnetic wave propagation in complex environments, target classification and identification, antennas, microwave devices, microwave remote sensing, and bioelectromagnetic.

- High-resolution microwave imaging and target identification

Integrating electromagnetism, metamaterial, data science and other multidisciplinary advanced technologies organically, we will build new methods of electromagnetic beam waveform control and high-speed beam scanning, realize new methods of task driven data acquisition and physical layer data processing, and form a new system of electromagnetic imaging. Study the integrated model and method of imaging and feature mining. organically combining electromagnetic imaging with deep learning, and feeding back the results of image analysis and cognition to the imaging process, enhancing imaging quality while improving the accuracy of image analysis.

- Communication and navigation positioning

To research communication system, system design, software radio and self-organizing network technology, link, multiple access, switching and channel assignment of satellite mobile communication, wireless ATM technology, high dynamic multi-mode high-speed signal processing technology, multi-mode integrated navigation and positioning, high dynamic navigation and positioning, navigation receiver chip, satellite navigation and satellite communication convergence technology, etc.

- Circuit system analysis and design

The main research direction is radio frequency electronics technology combined with atomic physics. It mainly includes the generation, processing and conversion of highly stable microwave signals and the distribution and transmission of highly stable time-frequency signals. Including optical comb-based microwave frequency synthesis technology, precision time-frequency transmission technology, and high-stability chip clock technology.

- Nonlinear Circuits and Systems Theory

Combined with emerging cross-disciplines, the research focuses on stability and synchronization of oscillator networks, principles and learning mechanisms of neuromimetic circuits, neural computing and its hardware implementation, etc.

Contact Us

Electromagnetic Field and Microwave Technology

Room 2428, Science Building No.2, Peking University

Tel: +86-10-6275 5693

Fax: +86-10-6275 5693

Circuits and Systems

Room 2543, Science Building No.2, Peking University

Tel: +86-10-6275 4253