Wang, Aimin

Associate Professor

Institute of Quantum Electronics

Research Interests: Ultrafast fiber laser, specialty fiber, bioimaging

Office Phone: 86-10-6275 9801

Email: wangam[at]

Wang, Aimin, associate professor, works in the School of Electronics, Peking University, China. He obtained his bachelor and master degree in the Department of Physics, Peking University in 1999 and 2002, respectively. After that, he went to Britain in pursuing for his Ph.D degree in the Department of Physics of University of Bath, UK, from 2003 to 2007. His research interests include specialty fibers, ultrafast fiber lasers, fiber based sensors, and two-photon bioimaging microscopy.

He has 20 years of experience in research in the fields of guided-wave optics, nonlinear optics and laser physics, and has published over 40 journal papers and book chapters. He has served in the Technical Program Committee of various international conferences, such as OECC. Dr. Wang has joined in more than ten research projects including NSFC, 863 project, etc.

His research achievements are summarized as follows:

1) Specialty fiber techniques: His PhD research subjects focused on the study of design, fabrication, characterization and the related applications of different microstructured fibers, such as soft-glass photonic crystal fibers, high birefringent fibers, and photonic bandgap fibers. An all-solid photonic bandgap fiber was incorporated in a Neodymium fiber laser to force the weak four-level laser transition lase at 907 nm. Experimental measurements of all-solid photonic bandgap fibres based on circular high index cladding rods revealed an unexpected variation of bend loss across different bandgaps, pushing the light guiding theory developments of bandgap fiber. A highly nonlinear tellurite photonic crystal fibre with zero dispersion wavelength of 1.4 micron was fabricated and the mid-infrared supercontinuum with the wavelength expending beyond 5 microns was achieved in this fiber.

2) Ultrafast fiber laser techniques: By designing and fabricating novel fiber components, Dr. wang succeeded in enhancing the repetition rate of NPE based Yb fiber ring lasers to GHz, which is the highest record in the world. He has accomplished GHz Yb:fiber laser frequency combs, which has been installed in Chinese National Astronominal Observatory for earth-like planet searching.

3) Two photon bioimaging microscopy: Dr. wang demonstrated a robust high power 930 nm femtosecond Nd:fiber laser system with hollow-core photonic bandgap fiber as the output, which was easily integrated into compact two-photon microscopy system for bio-imaging. A miniature two-photon microscopy (headpiece weighing 2.15 g and a new type of hollow-core photonic crystal fiber to deliver 920-nm femtosecond laser) is capable of imaging commonly used biosensors at high spatiotemporal resolution (0.65 μm laterally and 3.30 μm axially, 40 Hz at 256 ×256 pixels). This work will be published in Nature Method in May 2017.