Zhou, Xiaoji


Institute of Quantum Electronics

Research Interests: Ultra-cold atoms, precision measurement and Laser spectroscopy, quantum information and quantum simulation

Office Phone: 86-10-6275 5834

Email: xjzhou[at]pku.edu.cn

Zhou, Xiaoji is a professor in the School of Electronics.

He obtained his B.Sc. from Shanxi University in 1992, M.S. from Huazhong University of Science and Technology in 1998, and Ph.D. from Peking University in 2001 respectively. His research interests include ultra-cold atoms, precision measurement, laser spectroscopy and its application, quantum information and quantum simulation.

Prof. Zhou has published nearly 50 SCI research papers, according to Google Scholar, his works have been cited 588 times. Most of papers are published in the top journals in relevant research field, such as Phys. Rev. Lett., Phys. Rev. A, Laser Phys. Lett., New J. Phys., Opt. Lett., and Opt. Express, and had given several review articles in Professional books. Prof. Zhou was invited to gave presentations in international and domestic conferences for 17 times. He is the member of laser induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) professional committee in Optical engineering society of China, and was awarded the "EducationMinistry's New Century Excellent Talents Supporting" in 2010.

Prof. Zhou has more than ten research projects including NSFC, 973 programs, etc. The total funding is about US $3.5 million. His research achievements are summarized as follows:

1. Established the experimental platform of ultra-cold atoms and study the critical behavior: The ultra-cold atoms in an optical lattice is an idea platform to study the quantum transition. With the interferometer which comprises a sequence of standing wave laser pulses, the atomic momentum was filtered, and the critical exponents and the critical behavior of a Bose gas near the critical temperature were observed in the whole critical regime for the first time.

2. Coherent manipulation of matter wave and quantum simulation: The precise and convenient control of quantum states is a major goal in atom and optics. Several new methods to manipulate cold atoms are studied. Majorana transition is used to generate a spinor atom laser. Superradiant Rayleigh scattering is demonstrated to manipulate with new parameters, such as the variable incident angle, the frequency components and their initial relative phase, the effective linewidth of laser beams. An efficient loading a condensate into the bands of an optical lattice are demonstrated, where the loading time was shortened for three orders of magnitude. The correlations of atoms in different sites of an optical lattice with different depths, as well as the modifications of the band structure by interactions between atoms were measured.

3. Precision measurement, laser spectroscopy and its application: The magic wavelengths for neutral atoms of microwave frequencies and terahertz frequency are calculated for the lattice clock, which are widely used and cited. The related experimental techniques about the saturated absorption spectrum, nonlinear spectrum, and coherent amplification technique of weak signals are developed. The LIBS method is applied to the coal which greatly improves its analysis speed.