Zhang, Hongliang

   Assistant Professor

   Institute of Information and Communication Technology

   Email:hongliang[dot]zhang92[at]gmail[dot]com or hongliang.zhang[at]pku[dot]edu[dot]cn

Research Interest:

  • Cooperative Communications

  • Internet-of-Things

  • Aerial Access Networks

  • Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces

  • Holographic Radio

  • Optimization and Game Theory


- Peking University, Beijing, China 09/2014-07/2019

  Ph.D in Signal and Information Processing

- Peking University, Beijing, China 09/2010-07/2014

   B.S. in Electronics Engineering

Academic Awards:

- World's Top 2% Scientists 2021, Global List Released by Stanford University

- IEEE Comsoc Heinrich Hertz Award (Best paper award for Communications Letters), 2021

- IEEE ComSoc Asia-Pacific Outstanding Paper Award, 2021

- Exemplary Reviewers for IEEE Transactions on Communications, 2020

- Best Doctoral Thesis Award, Chinese Institute of Electronics, 2019


Please refer to my Google Scholar Page:https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=oMuKmN0AAAAJ&hl=en&authuser=1

Professional Activities:


1. Associate Editor, IEEE Transactions on Vehicle Technology (Since Aug. 2022)

2. Associate Editor, IEEE Communications Letters (Since Jan. 2022)

3. Associate Editor, IET Communications (Since Nov. 2019)

4. Lead Guest Editor, IET Communications, Special issue on “Cellular Internet of UAVs for 5G and Beyond”, published Jun. 2021

5. Lead Guest Editor, Journal of Communications and Networks, Special issue on “Aerial Access Networks for 6G,” published Apr. 2022

6. Lead Guest Editor, IET Communications, Special issue on “Intelligent Metasurfaces for Smart Connectivity,” published Jun. 2022

7. Guest Editor, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, Special issue on “Internet of UAVs over Cellular Networks,” published Jun. 2021


1. Symposium Chair, Cognitive Radio and AI-Enabled Networks Symposium, IEEE GLOBECOM, 2023.

2. Workshop co-chair, "Reconfigurable Holographic and Intelligent Surfaces for Green 6G Sensing, Communication and Networking", IEEE SECON, 2022.

3. Workshop co-chair, "Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces for 5G and Beyond", IEEE WCNC, 2022.

4. Workshop co-chair, "Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces for Future Wireless Communications", IEEE GLOBECOM, 2021.

5. Workshop co-chair, "Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces for 5G and Beyond", IEEE WCNC, 2021.

6. Track chair, “Special Session on Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces for Future Communication and Sensing Systems", in International Symposium on Wireless Communication Systems (ISWCS), 2022.

7. Publicity chair, IEEE International Conference on Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing (IEEE EUC), 2022.

8. Session chair, "Deep Reinforcement Learning for Wireless Networks", in IEEE WCNC, 2022.