Jiang, Wei

Associate Professor

Institute of Information and Communication Technology

Research Interests: Satellite communication system, signal detection and estimation, multi-antenna technology

Office Phone: 86-10-6275 7851

Email: jiangwei[at]pku.edu.cn

Jiang, Wei is an associate professor in the School of Electronics. He received the B.S. degree in radio electronics and the Ph.D. degree in communication and information system from Peking University in 1997 and 2003, respectively. His research interests include satellite communication system, signal detection and estimation and multi-antenna technology.

Dr. Jiang has published more than 40 research papers, and some of them are published in top-tier journals, such as IEEE TVT, IEEE TCOM. He has also been granted 6 national invention patents. He is now a member of IEEE and senior member of the Chinese Institute of Electronics.

Dr. Jiang has been in charge of or participated in more than ten research projects. His main research achievements are summarized as follows:

1) Satellite communication system: He has done a lot of work in designing and realizing satellite communication systems. He designed the physical layer standards for both the forward channel of an ATDM satellite broadcast system and its MF-TDMA return channel. He also designed and implemented in FPGA the baseband transceivers of several satellite communication systems, such as the CDMA, MF-TDMA, ATDM and HF-TDMA transceivers. Most of his work has been applied in actual systems.

2) Signaldetection and estimation: He achieved much in this traditional research field. He proposed new algorithms to estimate the multipath, the Doppler frequency and Doppler frequency rate, or to detect the signal. He also proposed new efficient pilot pattern for TDMA burst and analyze the performance of phase detectors of PLLs at low SNRs.

3) Multi-antenna technology: He proposed demodulation algorithms based on belief propagation for MIMO signals. Recently, he did some work on Energy-efficient beamforming, user association or transmission schemes of massive MIMO systems.

4) Yao Enxin, Le Tian, Fan Hao, Duan Wei, Jaing Wei*; A burst transmission efficient frequency guide pattern adapted to high Doppler frequency bias, Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 2011,33(11):2559-2563.

5) Yuan Hangjian, Hong Yifan, Miao Guangyao, Long Qiumeng, Luo Wu, Jiang Wei; Noise performance of Frequency-Locked Loop based on pilot signal; 2011 International Conference on Electronics, Communications and Control, ICECC 2011 – Proceedings; 2011: 3825-3828.

6) Yao Enxin, Lu Luxi, Jiang Wei; An efficient truthful double spectrum auction design for dynamic spectrum access; Proceedings of the 2011 6th International ICST Conference on Cognitive Radio Oriented Wireless Networks and Communications (CROWNCOM 2011); 2011: 181-185.

7) Lu Luxi, Jiang Wei*, Xiang Haige, Luo Wu; Optimal power allocation of cognitive radio with incomplete channel state information; IEICE Transactions on Communications; 2011, E94-B(5):1502-1505.

8) Wang Wujun, Jiang Wei, Dong Mingke, Liang Qinglin; An adaptive SC-FDE scheme with constant transmit symbol rate. Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis; 2011, 47(3): 411-417.

9) Lu Luxi, Jiang Wei*, Xiang Haige, Luo Wu; New optimal power allocation for bidirectional communications in cognitive relay network using analog network coding; China Communications; 2010, 7(4):144-148.

10) Yao Enxin, Yang Shuai, Jiang Wei; A simplified soft decision demapping algorithm of 16-APSK signals in AWGN channels; Proceedings of the 2010 2nd International Conference on Networks Security, Wireless Communications and Trusted Computing (NSWCTC 2010); 2010: 103-106.

11) Shen Jun, Yi Na , Wu Bo, Jiang Wei and Xiang Haige; A greedy-based resource allocation algorithm for multicast and unicast services in OFDM system; Int. Conf. Wireless Communications and Signal Processing, Nov.,2009.

12) Liu Yingnan, Jiang Wei, Yao chunguang, Liang Qinglin. Double-choice channel estimation method based on ideal autocorrelation training sequence. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology,October 2008: 2423-2426.

13) Zhang Lei, Jiang Wei, Xiang Haige. A soft information calculation method for single carrier frequency domain equalization output symbols. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, August 2008: 1806-1809.

14) Xu Wenlong, Jiang Wei, Shang Yong, Xiang Haige. A DOA estimation algorithm based on subarray synthesis;Acta Electronica Sinica, 2006,34(9):1571-1577.

15) Jiang Wei, Xiang Haige.Multi-user detection algorithm based on confidence propagation in MIMO systems. Science in China(Series E: Information Sciences), 2004, 34(2): 220-228

16) Jiang Wei, Xiang Haige; Multiuser detection algorithm based on belief propagation in multiple-input multiple-output systems; Science in China, Series F-Information Sciences, 2004, 47(3): 384-393

17) Jiang Wei, Xiang Haige; Semi-blind channel estimation of multiple-input/multiple-output systems based on Markov Chain Monte Karlo methods; Journal of Electronics(China), 2004, 21(3):184-190.