Xia, Mingyao


Institute of Applied Electronics

Research Interests: Applied electromagnetics

Office Phone: 86-10-6276 9865

Email: myxia[at]pku.edu.cn

Xia, Mingyao is a professor in the School of Electronics. He obtained his B.Sc. with first-class honor from Jiangxi Normal University in 1985, M.Sc. and Ph.D. with first-class honor from the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) in 1988 and 1999, respectively. His research interests include electromagnetic field theory and numerical methods, electromagnetic scattering and imaging, microwave components and antennas.

Prof. Xia has published more than 130 research papers in peer reviewed journals and conferences, including IEEE T-AP, IEEE T-GRS, IEEE T-MTT, PIER, IEEE APWL, IEEE GRSL, JEMWA, IJAP, ACESJ, IEEE-APS, IEEE GARSS, and etc. He was the TPC chair or co-chair, or member in many international and domestic conferences, such as the CSQRWC in 2013, the ICMTCE in 2013, and the ICCMT in 2016. He served as an Associate Editor for the IEEE T-AP. He was awarded the first-class prize on Natural Science by the CAS in 2001. He was the recipient of the Foundation for Outstanding Young Investigators by the NSFC in 2008, and appointed as the Chang-Jiang professorship by the MOE of China in 2009.

Prof. Xia has presided more than ten research projects from the NSFC and the 863 program, etc. His research achievements are summarized as follows:

1. Computational electromagnetics: He contributed some innovative or improved computational methods for analyses of scattering problems both in time domain and frequency domain. He developed the stable and accurate time domain integral equation method through proper choice of temporal basis functions and exact evaluation of matrix elements, proposed the modified sparse-matrix canonical-grid method by using single integral equation and Chebyshev polynomial expansion of the Green function along with curvilinear triangular spatial basis functions for simulation of rough surface scattering. He introduced some useful techniques for large-scale parallel computing in numerical electromagnetics.

2. Electromagnetic probing and imaging: He proposed a new time-reversal imaging algorithm suitable for objects with different scattering properties by using a grouped sub-array technique for resolution enhancements, introduced an alternative target identification scheme by using the so called wave coefficients as the feature vectors, and presented some detection algorithms for obscured magnetic objects by using modern magnetometers. He also developed some algorithms in inverse problems for extraction of geometric and physical parameters of terrestrial or oceanic surfaces.

3. Microwave circuits and antennas: He co-proposed some new ideas for design of microstrip filters and mixers with multi-band operation and harmonic suppression, co-proposed many microwave/millimeter antennas or arrays for a variety of applications. He also co-contributed new design methods for broadband and high efficiency GaN microwave amplifiers.