Xia, Yu

Assistant Professor

Research Center for Carbon-based Electronics

Email: yu_xia[at]pku.edu.cn

Education and Research experiences:

Postdoc, Chemical and Biological Engineering, Princeton University

Ph.D., Materials Science and Engineering, University of Pennsylvania

M.S., Materials Science and Engineering, Tsinghua University, China

B.S., Chemical Engineering, Tsinghua University, China

Research Interests:

1) Self-assembly of semiconducting carbon nanotubes and its application in CNT electronics

2Electrode architecture engineering of MXenes for high energy- and power-density electrochemical energy storage

3Carbon nanotube soft robotics

Selective Publications:

1. Xia, Y., Mathis, T., Zhao, M.Q., Anasori, B., Dang, A.L., Zhou, Z.H., Cho, H.S., Gogotsi, Y.*, Yang, S.*, Thickness-Independent Capacitance of Vertically Aligned Liquid Crystalline MXenes, Nature, 2018, 557, 409-412.

2. Xia, Y.†, DeBenedictis, A.†, Kim, D.S., Chen, S.L., Cleaver, D.*, Atherton, T.*, Yang, S.*, Programming Emergent Symmetries with Saddle-Splay Elasticity, Nature Communications, 2019, 10, 5104.

3. Aharoni, H.†, Xia, Y.†, Zhang, X.Y., Kamien, R.D., Yang, S.*, Universal Inverse Design of Surfaces with Thin Nematic Elastomer Sheets, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2018, 115, 7206-7211.

4. Xia, Y., Serra, F., Kamien, R.D., Stebe, K.J. and Yang, S.*, Direct Mapping of Local Director Field of Nematic Liquid Crystals at the Nanoscale, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2015, 112, 15291-15296.

5. Xia, Y., Cedillo-Servin, G., Kamien, R. D. and Yang, S.*, Guided Folding of Nematic Liquid Crystal Elastomer Sheets into 3D by Patterned 1D Micro-Channels, Advanced Materials, 2016, 28 (43), 9637–9643.

6. Lee, E.†, Xia, Y.†, Ferrier, R.C. Jr.†, Kim, H.-N., Gharbi, M.A., Stebe, K.J., Kamien, R.D., Composto, R.J.*, and Yang, S.*, Fine Golden Rings: Tunable Surface Plasmon Resonance from Assembled Nanorods in Topological Defects of Liquid Crystals, Advanced Materials, 2016, 28 (14), 2731–2736.

7. Xia, Y., Zhang, X.Y., Yang, S.*, Instant Locking of Molecular Ordering in Liquid Crystal Elastomers via Oxygen Mediated Thiol-Acrylate "Click" Reactions, Angewandte Chemie, 2018, 57 (20), 5665-5668.

8. Xia, Y., Li, R.P., Tsai, E., He Y.W., Liu T.R., Zhao X.M., Gu K.C., Meng, H., Loo, Y.L.*, Solvent-Free Coating of Organic Semiconductor Membranes with Large-Area Single-Crystalline Domains, Advanced Electronic Materials, 2021, 7, 2000792.