Ye, Anpei


Institute of Physical Electronics

Research Interests: Nanobiophotonics

Office Phone: 86-10-6276 2323

Email: yap[at]

Ye, Anpei is a professor in the School of Electronics, and has served in Institute of Physical Electronics. He obtained his B.Sc. from Shanxi Normal University in 1983, and Ph.D. from Sichuan University in 1994, respectively. His research interests include biomedical optical system development, biological single molecule/single-cell detection, atomic structure and spectroscopy, and medical MR imaging processing.

Prof. Ye has published more than 70 research papers, and most of them are published in top-tier journals, such as PRA, BOE, JBC. Proceedings of SPIE. Also, he obtained three patents. He is serving as a number of Council in Chinese Biophysics Society since 2000, and also in Editorial Board of Chinese Atomic and Molecular Physics Journal. He was one of evaluation expert of NSFC Grands for four divisions, and invited reviewers for several journals. He was awarded by Peking University Excellent Teaching Prize (2007), the experiment technology first prize of Peking University (2009).

Prof. Ye has more than ten research projects including NSFC, 973 programs, Chinese Ministry of Education Project, etc. His research achievements are summarized as follows:

1) Atomic structure and spectroscopy: theoretical study of atomic super final structure for cool atomic clock , exploring the adaptable atomic elements and its atomic structure parameters, such as energy level and related transition wavelength ,oscillator strength, and magic wavelength at which light shift can counteracted in order to develop novel optical atomic frequency standard.

2) Biomedical photonics: developing novel single-molecule and single-cell detect optical system, such as laser tweezers, laser scissors, and micro-Raman spectroscopy and label-free far field optical super-resolution image technique. Also, integrated over five optical unit into one powerful optical platform, to detect live single-cell and single-molecule in biological processes, such as antibody-antigen/ ligand-receptor interaction on live cellular membrane, and single-cell identify and separation.

3) Medical MR Imaging quantitative analysis: developed a medical image process studio (MIPS), which function includes cardiac perfusion blood flow dynamic analysis , quantitative analysis for myocardial motion, brain diffusion tensor image , local MR spectroscopy, MRI kidney blood image, and medical image processes, for example, image registration of heart MRI, 3D image reconstruction of live MRI, fusion between MRI and CT image and medical image compression etc.